Monday, July 13, 2015

July 13, 2015

well, se fue otra semana. this week me and my comp had to go to Guayaquil for the leadership council, so that was a fun 4 hr bus ride there and back. we left wednesday afternoon and slept there in guayaqil, then had the reunion thursday and got back thursday night. it was exhausting. but i always learn a TON when i get to hear president dennis talk. one quote that he said that i love and i wanted to share with you all is this: ´´words are the reflection of our testimony; but actions are the reflection of our conversion.´´ deep. this coming saturday we have 2 babtisms! hna Araceli and hna Paola are going to get babtized! so thats super exciting! they are so great! im so happy for them! also, me and my comp went to a babtism this saturday of another sector, and it was really good. the woman that got babtised, after the ordinace, shared some feelings, and what she said is that before the babtism, she had some feelings of fear, of anger, and feelings like that. but the moment she entered the water, and was babtized, all those bad feelings were erased and replaced by a feeling of peace and love. what a change!! it was powerful. i know that babtism changes lives; because i know this gospel changes lives. ive seen it so many times. i love you all so much and hope you have a great week!

Elder Taylor

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